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Who We Are

At the Heart of Everything We Do

Among God’s ministries here at First Reformed Church of Little Falls, you will find…
…an inspiring diversity of worship styles, making use of guitar, organ, and piano!
…a vibrant, year-round Heaven’s Harvest Food Pantry that serves about 35 households per month with bread, canned goods, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables!
…a Worship Team that presents original music!
…loving and accepting ministries to children and youth, in the forms of Children and Worship, inclusion in worship hours, and monthly events!
…an open and affirming welcome for our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender neighbors!
…meaningful Bible studies!
…a historical building powered by a 59-panel solar array!
…a congregation that knows how to welcome visitors, make new friends, and care for those in need!


What We Believe

Our Mission Statement: The mission of the First Reformed Church of Little Falls is to invite people to share in a common hope in Jesus Christ; to encourage participation in a Fellowship of faith that seeks to be reformed and live according to God’s Word; to become empowered by the Spirit of God to joyfully encounter the living God through meaningful worship; to diligently seek maturity in Christ through Christian education; and to reach out to the spiritual needs and social concerns of our local and global community.

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